“Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”
Mark 11:22–24
Jesus Christ urges each of us to pray to our Father in Heaven as He did constantly throughout His life in the New Testament. The Lord says, “when you pray” not “if you pray.” Prayer is not a suggestion, but a commandment. After all, Jesus laid down His Perfect Life on the Cross to give us the privilege of direct access to God in Heaven. Under the New Covenant of Grace, we pray to our Heavenly Father and ask all things in the Name of Jesus Christ. The Intercessory Work of Jesus Christ, as our Great High Priest, takes our imperfect prayers as His very own to present them as holy and perfect to God the Father.
Prayer is our direct communication with God. It is an open channel to have one-on-one fellowship with the Lord, and to develop a close relationship with our Father in Heaven. Our quiet escape into the closet of prayer is a time to praise the Lord for who He is, what He has done, and what He will do for us. The more we live for the Lord, the more we realize the worth of our Salvation and the more we will want to thank Him for that. Prayer is a time of communion with the Lord. We are very blessed and privileged to speak directly to our Heavenly Father. At times, God will speak directly to our hearts to give us guidance and direction. Prayer is also a time to make our petitions known unto the Lord. The Lord knows we need all things from Him. It is His desire to give us only good and perfect gifts that come from above according to His Will.
Prayer is the key to the doorway that opens the beauty of Heaven, but it is faith that turns the key to unlock the door and grant us entrance into the Portal of Glory. We can say all the right things and even pray the Scriptures, but without a whole heart of faith, it is impossible to please God. Without faith, our spoken words to the Lord will be nothing more than empty air that never moves past the ceiling. As the great song says, “Prayer without faith is like a boat without oars.” Prayer without proper faith in Christ and the Cross, removes the powerful oars of the Holy Spirit. Without faith, we are left stranded in our delicate boat in the sea of life, getting tossed and turned every direction that will ultimately cause us to capsize. Proper faith in Christ turns our measly little kayak into a powerful steamboat. The Power of God throttles our lives full steam ahead with nothing stopping us or slowing us down. It is our unwavering faith in God that casts the mountain of difficulty into the sea. Persistent faith breaks down the wall of hindrance, allowing us to experience the miracle working power of the One True Living God.
God does not ask us for much. He only asks for faith the size of a tiny mustard seed. As the key of prayer goes up to God, our faith in Jesus Christ unlocks the door of Heaven causing God’s greatest blessings to rain down on us from above. We just have to believe to receive.
Faith Unlocks the Door
Prayer is the key to Heaven, but faith unlocks the door
Words are so easily spoken
Prayer without faith is like a boat without oars
Have faith when you speak to the Master
That’s all he asks you for
Prayer is the key to Heaven, but faith unlocks the door